Objectives of ANACS

  • To prevent HIV transmission and to control its spread.
  • To reduce morbidity and mortality associated with HIV infection.
  • To reduce the adverse Social and economic impact resulting from HIV infection.
  • To coordinate and strengthen STD/HIV/AIDS surveillance.
  • To provide technical support in HIV/AIDS prevention and control to Government and Non- Governmental organization.
  • To enhance the community awareness, specifically knowledge altitude and practice of high risk groups.
  • To develop Health Education materials for distribution and adoption by agencies working in AIDS prevention.
  • To channelize and integrate the activities to Non – Governmental Organizations in AIDS control and prevention.
  • To channelize and integrate the activities to Non – Governmental Organizations in AIDS control and prevention.
  • To provide facilities and to strengthen sexually Transmitted Diseases services in Government, private Medical Institution and Practitioners.
  • To develop Counseling services.
  • To organise social support for management of HIV infected and AIDS patients.