What's New Archives Details

Sl.No Subject Upload Date Download
1 Interview Notice for the post of Counselor 13-09-2024 .pdf
2 Merit list for the Post of Divisional Assistant 06-09-2024 .pdf
3 Interview Notice for the post of Assistant Director(Basic Service Division), Assistant Director(Strategic Information) and Assistant Director(Youth Affairs) 12-08-2024 .pdf
4 Examination for the post of Divisional Assistant has been scheduled on 31/08/2024 at DBRAIT. 09-08-2024 .pdf
5 Vacancy Notice for the Post of Counselor exclusively for ICTC Nancowry 30-07-2024 .pdf
6 Interview Notice regarding the post of Medical Officer-FIART Center, Counselor and Lab Technician. 26-06-2024 .pdf
7 Vacancy Notice for the post of Assistant Director(Basic Service Division), Assistant Director(Strategic Information) and Assistant Director(Youth Affairs) puerly on contractual basis. 21-06-2024 .pdf
8 List of Eligible Candidates for the post of Medical Officer( FI-ART Center), Lab Technician and Counselor. 07-06-2024 .pdf
9 Vacancy Notice for the Post of Medical Officer, Counselor and Lab Technician purely on contractual basis. 11-03-2024 .pdf
10 Notice: Postponement of Interview Notice for the post of DD(Prevention), DD(BSD) and AD(Documentation) 13-02-2024 .pdf
11 List of Eligible candidates for the post of Divisional Assistant 12-02-2024 .pdf
12 Interview Notice: List of the Eligible Candidates for the post of Deputy Director (Prevention) and Deputy Director (BSD) 29-01-2024 .pdf
13 Vacancy Notice: Applications are invited from the eligible candidates for the post of Divisional Assistant on contractual basis in the Andaman and Nicobar AIDS Control Society (ANACS). 27-12-2023 .pdf
14 Applications are invited for the various posts on contractual basis in the Andaman and Nicobar AIDS Control Society (ANACS). 30-10-2023 .pdf
15 eTender Notice: Supply of Stationary Items 27-06-2023 .pdf
16 eTender Notice: Supply of Refreshment Items for different Campaign 27-06-2023 .pdf
17 Tender Notice: Sealed tenders are invited from Authorized Tax Consultant/firm to process GST and Quarterly E-TDS filling of Income 05-06-2023 .pdf
18 Tender Notice 18-05-2023 .pdf
19 Tender Notice 18-05-2023 .pdf
20 Tender Notice:Supply of Stationary Items 10-05-2023 .pdf
21 Tender Notice:Supply of Refreshment Items for different Campaign 10-05-2023 .pdf
22 Sealed tenders are invited from Authorized Tax Consultant/firm to process GST and Quarterly E TDS filling of Income Tax for the financial year 2023 to 2024 10-04-2023 .pdf
23 Quotation: Sealed tenders are invited from Authorized Tax Consultant/firm to process GST and Quarterly E-TDS filling of Income Tax on behalf of DDO records of this office for financial year 2023-24 06-03-2023 .pdf
24 Express of Interest (EOI) for Community Champions 29-11-2022 .pdf
25 Tender Notice: Auction notice for disposal of unserviceable store pertaining to Furniture, Electrical and Electronic, Computer Peripherals and consumable items etc. and other materials 27-10-2022 .pdf
26 Vacancy Notice: Applications are invited for the post of Counselor (02 nos.) on contractual basis for ICTC PHC Campbell Bay and ICTC CHC Nancowry in the Andaman and Nicobar AIDS Control Society (ANACS). 17-08-2022 .pdf